Sound installation ‘Captures’
Barcelona! Because of a great interest in both, photography and sound, I am very happy and proud to be invited as one of the artists to The International Festival on Experimental Photography, EXP. 21, in Barcelona in July, 21-25.2021. As part of the exhibition Night Journeys, Gisle Nataas sound installation shows ‘Captures’. The sound installation is based on sounds around capturing moods and moments. The sounds are taken from a Leica M9 camera.
The sounds are divided, processed and reassembled in new ways and use the entire exhibition space in its display. From the various sound sources, the public can see and hear various audio-visual meeting points between sound and images in the exhibition.
‘Night Journeys and “Captures” opens on 20th July at 19hrs and runs until September 15th, 2021. The exhibition has been curated by UK artist Clare Marie Bailey and the soundscape has been created by Norwegian artist Gisle Nataas.
Project data:
- Title: ‘Night Journey’s and ‘Captures’. The exhibition has been curated by UK artist Clare Marie Bailey and the soundscape has been created by Norwegian artist Gisle Nataas.
- Exhibition at Sant Lluc, Palau Mercaders, Barcelona
- Exhibition period: 20th July – September 15th, 2021.
- Invitation from The International Festival on Experimental Photography, EXP. 21, in Barcelona.
- Credit to Stian Kristensen for technical support, Erik Johan Worsøe Eriksen, Sven Terje Torvik and Are Carlsen for constructive artistic criticism and Simone Mantovani for video work.