“Architecture as instrument” – Creative workshop for children and youth
The creative workshop for children and youth “Architecture as instrument” by architect and sound artist Gisle Nataas is part of Den Kulturelle Skolesekken DKS (The Cultural Schoolbag) in Norway 2020-2023. The production is about using our architecture and surroundings as instruments. Gisle says, “by becoming aware of sound, we can become aware of architecture, materials and surroundings. We can look at our everyday surroundings with new eyes ”.
“You attach deep memories to the sound of your surroundings,” says architect Gisle Nataas.
Architecture as an instrument is about using architecture and surroundings as instruments in music. Gisle shows pictures and films from various projects that he has worked on to explore architecture and sound with a subsequent mini-workshop that lasts for 40 minutes where the auditorium / school is used as an instrument.
Architect Gisle Nataas also brings an unusual “instrument”, a mixture of architecture and scenography that can be played on. Suitable for junior high school and high school. “Architecture as an Instrument” is an initiative and project organized by architect MNAL and sound artist Gisle Nataas.
The Cultural Schoolbag (Den Kulturelle Skolesekken DKS) is a national programme designed to ensure that all school pupils in Norway experience professional art and culture of all kinds. The Cultural Schoolbag is a collaborative project between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Research.
Read more about the project:
• www.denkulturelleskolesekken.no
• Watch video from workshop in Lofoten, Norway
• Reference: Producer visual arts Vibeke Kirkebø Hegg, P: +47 920 37 577, E: vibekeh@afk.no
(producer visual arts and film – DKS)